03/2024 5th Workshop (planned)

The closing event of the ModelSEN project, focusing on the extraction of semantic layer information from textual sources.

10/2023 4th Workshop

The ModelSEN methods workshop bringing together almost 30 scholars to discuss future orientation of method development in Digital Humanities in general, and modeling of knowledge evolution specifically. It took place in the MPIWG in Berlin-Dahlem from 10th to 13th of October 2023

04/2023 3rd Workshop

A collaboration workshop with the Klassik Stiftung Weimar, exploring Digital Humanities approaches in application to letter collections.

04/2022 2nd Workshop

The first hybrid workshop for the research project took place in the Harnack-House in Berlin-Dahlem from 7th to 8th of April 2022. The workshop program can be found below. As a result of the workshop, a joint whitepaper is published, outlining the common challenges and desiderata. Furthermore, in a joint project with the HNR community a survey was designed to gauge the common practices and used tools of researchers interested in historical network research.

06/2021 1st Workshop

The inaugural workshop for the research project took place as a series of virtual meetings from 16. - 21. June 2021 with the various envisioned project partners.