With this bibliography we want to give an overview of relevant scientific publications that focus or add to the research group's work and that we considered helpful when diving deeper into historical network research. This list of publications is not an exhaustive collection of all relevant papers referring to this topic - there are better databases for this. Rather it highlights publications that we found useful in our project work.
The bibliography is exported from a shared Zotero collection and structured via a tag system. The collection thus can be filtered through the given tags. Each tag comes with a short description of the content.
We splitted the collection into three different categories that are then divided into subcategories and tagged. Papers can be characterized by their disciplinary background, their research aim or the way in which the paper refers to networks / the network level. Additionally, we listed papers by partner projects of the modelSEN project to give a better overview of the topics the community works on.
Partner Projects
This list collects publications by research projects we as ModelSEN project collaborate with. This list should give a first glance on the topics our community works on. We understand ourselves as a part of the Historical Network Research Community. One aim of our project is to inform the development of new software tools and methods and educational resources for the community as well driving the networking of the community. Therefore, we conducted a survey on the usage of network-related methods.
Open partner projects list
Authors |
Title |
Year |
Journal |
Ureña-Carrion, J., Leskinen, P., Tuominen, J., Heuvel, C., Hyvönen, E., Kivelä, M. |
Communication Now and Then: Analyzing the Republic of Letters as a Communication Network |
(2021) |
arXiv:2112.04336 [physics] |
Herfeld, C., Doehne, M. |
The diffusion of scientific innovations: A role typology |
(Marc) |
Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A |
10.1016/j.shpsa.2017.12.001 |
Baccini, A., Barabesi, L., Khelfaoui, M., Gingras, Y. |
Intellectual and social similarity among scholarly journals: An exploratory comparison of the networks of editors, authors and co-citations |
(2020) |
Quantitative Science Studies 1 |
10.1162/qss_a_00006 |
Herfeld, C., Doehne, M. |
Five reasons for the use of network analysis in the history of economics |
(2018) |
Journal of Economic Methodology 25 |
10.1080/1350178X.2018.1529172 |
Daston, L. |
The Ideal and Reality of the Republic of Letters in the Enlightenment |
(1991) |
Science in Context 4 |
10.1017/S0269889700001010 |
Van den Heuvel, C., Van Vugt, I., Van Bree, P., Kessels, G. |
Deep Networks as Associatvie Interfaces to Historical Research |
(2020) |
Shotton, D. |
CiTO, the Citation Typing Ontology |
(2010) |
Journal of Biomedical Semantics 1 |
10.1186/2041-1480-1-S1-S6 |
Disciplinary background
Network research is inherently inter- and even transdisciplinary. Thus, diverse scientific disciplines use the concept of networks or network-related methods to research and describe phenomenons in their field of work. The publications tagged within this category represent the variety of disciplines working on networks. We decided to use not only general scientific fields, such as social sciences or humanities, as tags, but more specialized disciplines like #HistoryOfScience or #Economics to make the search for concrete topics more easy.
Read more
As an interdisciplinary approach, HNR has the potential to combine different research traditions: classical quantitative social research, in-depth historical studies as well as sub-areas of mathematics and computer science, such as graph and network theory. And even the Arts begin to use networks. Previous publications have shown that HNR can lead to new results or allow to substantiate former qualitative results through quantitative analyses.
However, the origins of network research can be traced back to the social sciences, especially sociology and anthropology, and the method of social network analysis. Out of a seminar of our research group at the TU Berlin, a paper on this topic was written, which examines and describes the evolution of the research field itself in terms of network analysis. The work can be found in the ModelSEN Compendium. While first network theoretical considerations can already be found in Georg Simmel, Emile Durkheim or Auguste Comte in the 19th century and also in the 1930s first contributions were made, e.g. by Jacob Moreno and Helen Jannings, the emergence of the modern research field can be dated to the 1970s. Here, institutionalization took place through the founding of conferences such as the *Sunbelt Conference*, associations like the *International Network for Social Network Analysis* (INSNA) or journals such as *Social Networks* oder *Scientometrics*. Although influences from the natural sciences already existed at this time, e.g., through the mathematician Paul Lazarsfeld, who introduced statistical methods into the social sciences even before the 1970s at Columbia University, the natural sciences did not recognize the relevance of network research until the 1990s. Publications like Watt's and Strogatz's *Small Worlds* in 1999 led to the entry into the research field of even more physicists and a huge increase of publications. This "invasion of physicists" (Bonacich 2004) that followed greatly changed the field, partly to the irritation of social scientists. Nowadays, the natural sciences are an essential part of network research. This can also be seen in the Historical Network Research Community.
The following discipline-related tags are available within the bibliography:
Authors |
Title |
Year |
Journal |
Herfeld, C., Doehne, M. |
The diffusion of scientific innovations: A role typology |
(Marc) |
Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A |
10.1016/j.shpsa.2017.12.001 |
Cazzolla Gatti, R., Koppl, R., Fath, B., Kauffman, S., Hordijk, W., Ulanowicz, R. |
On the emergence of ecological and economic niches |
(07/2) |
Journal of Bioeconomics 22 |
10.1007/s10818-020-09295-4 |
Bell, A., Chetty, R., Jaravel, X., Petkova, N., Van Reenen, J. |
Who Becomes an Inventor in America? The Importance of Exposure to Innovation* |
(2019) |
The Quarterly Journal of Economics 134 |
10.1093/qje/qjy028 |
Herfeld, C., Doehne, M. |
Five reasons for the use of network analysis in the history of economics |
(2018) |
Journal of Economic Methodology 25 |
10.1080/1350178X.2018.1529172 |
Van den Heuvel, C., Van Vugt, I., Van Bree, P., Kessels, G. |
Deep Networks as Associatvie Interfaces to Historical Research |
(2020) |
Authors |
Title |
Year |
Journal |
Baccini, A., Barabesi, L., Khelfaoui, M., Gingras, Y. |
Intellectual and social similarity among scholarly journals: An exploratory comparison of the networks of editors, authors and co-citations |
(2020) |
Quantitative Science Studies 1 |
10.1162/qss_a_00006 |
Gilbert, N. |
A Simulation of the Structure of Academic Science |
(06/1) |
Sociological Research Online 2 |
10.5153/sro.85 |
Chai, S., Freeman, R. |
Temporary colocation and collaborative discovery: Who confers at conferences |
(12/2) |
Strategic Management Journal 40 |
10.1002/smj.3062 |
Bibliometrics and Scholarly Communication: Editor's Introduction |
(1989) |
Communication Research 16 |
10.1177/009365089016005002 |
Chavalarias, D., Lobbé, Q., Delanoë, A. |
Draw me Science. Multi-level and multi-scale reconstruction of knowledge dynamics with phylomemies |
(2021) |
Scientometrics |
10.1007/s11192-021-04186-5 |
Shotton, D. |
CiTO, the Citation Typing Ontology |
(2010) |
Journal of Biomedical Semantics 1 |
10.1186/2041-1480-1-S1-S6 |
Authors |
Title |
Year |
Journal |
Tiwari, S., Al-Aswadi, F., Gaurav, D. |
Recent trends in knowledge graphs: theory and practice |
(2021) |
Soft Computing |
10.1007/s00500-021-05756-8 |
Authors |
Title |
Year |
Journal |
Shotton, D. |
CiTO, the Citation Typing Ontology |
(2010) |
Journal of Biomedical Semantics 1 |
10.1186/2041-1480-1-S1-S6 |
Authors |
Title |
Year |
Journal |
Chai, S., Freeman, R. |
Temporary colocation and collaborative discovery: Who confers at conferences |
(12/2) |
Strategic Management Journal 40 |
10.1002/smj.3062 |
Authors |
Title |
Year |
Journal |
Bibliometrics and Scholarly Communication: Editor's Introduction |
(1989) |
Communication Research 16 |
10.1177/009365089016005002 |
Research focus
The publications in the bibliography are sorted by their topic. Here, we
differentiate between a technical-methodological focus where, for
example, new tools or methods were developed or tested or
visualiuations techniques were described, an empirical focus where
qualitative or quantitative analysis or case studies were conducted or a
more theoretical contribution where e.g. new concepts or perspectives
on network research were established or literature reviews conducted.
However, those categories overlap in some cases.
Read more
Within the different categories, the following tags are available in the
Authors |
Title |
Year |
Journal |
Centola, D., Willer, R., Macy, M. |
The Emperor’s Dilemma: A Computational Model of Self‐Enforcing Norms |
(Janu) |
American Journal of Sociology 110 |
10.1086/427321 |
Gilbert, N. |
A Simulation of the Structure of Academic Science |
(06/1) |
Sociological Research Online 2 |
10.5153/sro.85 |
Ma, T., Nakamori, Y. |
Agent-based modeling on technological innovation as an evolutionary process |
(11/2) |
European Journal of Operational Research 166 |
10.1016/j.ejor.2004.01.055 |
Luo, S., Du, Y., Liu, P., Xuan, Z., Wang, Y. |
A study on coevolutionary dynamics of knowledge diffusion and social network structure |
(05/2) |
Expert Systems with Applications 42 |
10.1016/j.eswa.2014.12.038 |
Authors |
Title |
Year |
Journal |
Venturini, T., Jacomy, M., Jensen, P. |
What do we see when we look at networks: Visual network analysis, relational ambiguity, and force-directed layouts |
(Janu) |
Big Data & Society 8 |
10.1177/20539517211018488 |
Leydesdorff, L., Bornmann, L., Wagner, C. |
Generating clustered journal maps: an automated system for hierarchical classification |
(2017) |
Scientometrics 110 |
10.1007/s11192-016-2226-5 |
Franke, L., Haehn, D. |
Modern Scientific Visualizations on the Web |
(2020) |
Informatics 7 |
10.3390/informatics7040037 |
BarabásiLab. Hidden Patterns | 01.05.2021 (All day) to 16.01.2022 (All day) | ZKM |
() |
Keiriz, J., Zhan, L., Ajilore, O., Leow, A., Forbes, A. |
NeuroCave: A web-based immersive visualization platform for exploring connectome datasets |
(Sept) |
Network Neuroscience 2 |
10.1162/netn_a_00044 |
Van den Heuvel, C., Van Vugt, I., Van Bree, P., Kessels, G. |
Deep Networks as Associatvie Interfaces to Historical Research |
(2020) |
Authors |
Title |
Year |
Journal |
Tiwari, S., Al-Aswadi, F., Gaurav, D. |
Recent trends in knowledge graphs: theory and practice |
(2021) |
Soft Computing |
10.1007/s00500-021-05756-8 |
Dutia, K., Stack, J. |
Heritage connector: A machine learning framework for building linked open data from museum collections |
(06/2) |
Applied AI Letters 2 |
10.1002/ail2.23 |
Authors |
Title |
Year |
Journal |
Shotton, D. |
CiTO, the Citation Typing Ontology |
(2010) |
Journal of Biomedical Semantics 1 |
10.1186/2041-1480-1-S1-S6 |